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推荐正规买球平台's broadcast production program is 'on air'

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Click to enlarge,  Matt Monarca, The Sanford Herald. Bill Freeman, left, 桑福德中央卡罗莱纳社区学院媒体技术主任, chats with Harrison Riddle, 16, 星期一早上,里德尔在学院广播电台直播的时候. 弗里曼负责中国通信的两个广播电台和两个电视频道的运营.

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Matt Monarca, The Sanford Herald. 比尔·弗里曼(左),中央传媒科技总监 ... (more)

03.28.2017College & CommunityCollege GeneralCurriculum Programs

By Zachary Horner, The Sanford Herald.

桑福德——比尔·弗里曼小时候,他的父亲在布拉格堡从事视听工作. 他父亲经常会带一台当时最先进的投影仪回家, 这样弗里曼和他的朋友们就可以在家看电影了. That was a revolutionary idea then.

“我们的房子是附近最酷的房子,因为我们可以在房子里看电影," he said.

“我是在这种技术的陪伴下长大的,我爱上了玩这种东西. I'm kind of geeky that way. I love toys."

弗里曼从小就从事音频工程,在剧院和电台工作多年后,他最终进入了中央卡罗莱纳社区学院担任讲师. 他目前担任媒体技术总监, 监管中国通信的两个广播电台和电视频道.

弗里曼在接受《推荐正规买球平台》采访时谈到了他的日常生活, 推荐正规买球平台广播电台的成就和节目如何跟上日新月异的科技.

What are your responsibilities?

有点分裂,因为我一半是管理员,一半是老师. I run curriculum but then we also run stations. We have two FM stations, which is WDCC here, 90.5(调频),然后WUAW在利灵顿,发射塔在特里顿高中. And then we have 4CNC, which is television, a cable channel, 我们还经营李郡政府有线电视频道. 我们也有广播课程,然后我也监督图书馆信息技术课程. I have multiple hats that I wear.

What is your daily routine?

我早上6:55到这里,从17台(罗利的WNCN)收听天气预报。. The meteorologists send us weather in an email, and then I edit that, 让它进入我们的系统,这样它就会在每天早上的最后一小时播出. 之后,就是查看邮件和回复邮件,这是很多人现在的例行公事.

我们有广播电台的脸书页面,警局的脸书页面,还有电视频道的脸书页面. 我通常会搜索Facebook,看看是否有什么有趣的东西适合这些平台. 任何有趣或有趣的东西,或者与音乐或科技有关的东西.

There's a lot to juggle. ...

How does the radio station and curriculum work?

The college radio station is non-commercial, educational, which obviously means we don't play any commercials. We're funded by the college. 我们不能卖任何广告,但我们可以做承销.

As far as the format we follow, what's typically thought of as a college alternative, very interesting and eclectic mix of music from Medeski, Martin & Wood to Lord only knows what else. 20年前我接手的时候,我们就是这样开始的,但后来学生们说,“我们不喜欢这个." Our students were more into that pop stuff. 然后我们转向了一种更商业化的风格,有嘻哈、说唱、R&B, country, rock. 就像你的iPod一样,除非你有折衷的品味. We are training students to be on commercial stations, 所以我们选择更多的商业模式是有意义的. So we changed about 15 years ago.

学生们,他们在这里接受一个学期的培训,你应该这样做. Second semester is now do it. 然后他们完成了广播/音频部分,他们可以选择用非常相似的方法来选择视频部分. 把它们放在一起,我们有一个两年制的副学士学位.


You're a glorified salesperson. It's all about the money. Seriously. That's what I tell them. If you can't figure out why somebody, why that station did this, why they put that story on, follow the money. Honestly. 如果你在直播,你怎么能成为一名有价值的员工? If you're in production, 你打算做什么对你的公司或客户有价值的事情? 你在为你的观众服务,这是你的客户群.


当我到这里的时候,角落里有一个盒子里装着一台电脑. 所以你要从头开始,比如你用什么软件,空间站用什么. So that's really what I look to, the commercial industry, 看看你用什么软件来编辑或运行你的广播电台. And for TV, it's the same way.

我们很难跟上视频方面的技术发展,因为它的变化速度比音频要快, and the expense is certainly much greater. 当我们从录像带转向高清时,我们不得不把所有东西都搬出演播室. You couldn't just go buy a camera. 现在你得买5台相机供学生外出使用. And oh, we've got to change studio cameras to HD. 幸运的是,大学允许我们花钱,这有助于我们跟上.


Some people come to us because they love music, 从视频的角度来看,有些人想学习如何拍摄和编辑东西. As I tell students, 即使你对我们通常认为的广播不感兴趣, 总得有人创造出能被媒体消费的内容. Stuff that's on the internet, 总得有人用某种方式录下视频或录音, 希望能以某种方式编辑和包装它,让公众满意. Even if broadcast goes away as we think of it, 我们再也没有带发射机和发射塔的电台了, 它还是会以某种方式通过互联网传播出去. Somebody's got to be the producing end of that.

Look at all the shows that are on Netflix now. 没有有线电视,也没有广播,但他们做得很好. That's kind of exciting to me. 一个学生可以带着一个很酷的想法来找我,我说:“去做吧."