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按此放大,  泰迪·伯德, chairman of the 哈尼特县 Board of Commissioners, 发表毕业典礼致辞 Friday at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院&第45届夏季毕业典礼. He urged the graduating class to strive for their best. 大约一群人,000 family members 和 friends attended the exercise, 被关押在丹尼斯监狱. 柳条文娱中心, to celebrate the graduating students’ achievements. During the summer, 89 students completed degrees, 102 earned diplomas, 和 84, certificates. About 150 graduating students took part in the exercises.


泰迪·伯德, chairman of the 哈尼特县 Board of Commissioners, 发表毕业典礼致辞 ... (更多)

按此放大,  格扎因·桑塔纳(右), 桑福德的, received his Associate in 艺术-University Transfer degree from Bobby Powell, chairman of the 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Board of Trustees, 在大学期间’s Summer Commencement exercises Friday in the Dennis A. 柳条文娱中心. During the summer, 89 students completed degrees, 102 earned diplomas, 和 84, certificates. 泰迪·伯德, chairman of the 哈尼特县 Board of Commissioners 发表毕业典礼致辞.


格扎因·桑塔纳(右), 桑福德的, received his Associate in 艺术-University Transfer degree from ... (更多)

按此放大,  安德烈·凯利(左), 卡梅隆的, 哈尼特县, 收到丈夫的贺花, 加里·凯利三世, 在收到 her Associate in Applied Science in Medical Office Administration degree during 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院’s Summer Commencement exercises Friday in the Dennis A. 柳条文娱中心. During the summer, 89 students completed degrees, 102 earned diplomas, 和 84, certificates. 泰迪·伯德, chairman of the 哈尼特县 Board of Commissioners 发表毕业典礼致辞.


安德烈·凯利(左), 卡梅隆的, 哈尼特县, 收到丈夫的贺花, ... (更多)

按此放大,  珍妮特·里夫斯(左) , 熊溪, 她奶奶给了她一个大大的微笑, 桃金娘罗杰斯, 少不了的, 在收到 her Associate in Applied Science in Business Administration degree during 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院’s Summer Commencement exercises Friday in the Dennis A. 柳条文娱中心. During the summer, 89 students completed degrees, 102 earned diplomas, 和 84, certificates. 泰迪·伯德, chairman of the 哈尼特县 Board of Commissioners 发表毕业典礼致辞.


珍妮特·里夫斯(左) , 熊溪, 她奶奶给了她一个大大的微笑, 桃金娘罗杰斯, of ... (更多)

按此放大,  威廉·加施勒四世, 桑福德的, (right) receives his Associate in Applied Science degree from Bobby Powell, chairman of the 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Board of Trustees, 在大学期间’s Summer Commencement exercises Friday in the Dennis A. 柳条文娱中心. 协助颁发学位, 杰西卡·布朗(Jessica Brown)回来了, 左), 学院’s Instructor of the Year 和 a semifinalist for the North Carolina 社区 大学 System&优秀教学奖. During the summer, 89 students completed degrees, 102 earned diplomas, 和 84, certificates. 泰迪·伯德, chairman of the 哈尼特县 Board of Commissioners 发表毕业典礼致辞.


威廉·加施勒四世, 桑福德的, (right) receives his Associate in Applied Science degree from Bobby ... (更多)

按此放大,  多萝西·库姆斯·亨特, 桑福德的, 从丈夫那里得到一个祝贺之吻, 约瑟夫, 在收到 an Associate in Applied Science in Business Administration degree during 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院’s Summer Commencement exercises Friday in the Dennis A. 柳条文娱中心. During the summer, 89 students completed degrees, 102 earned diplomas, 和 84, certificates. 泰迪·伯德, chairman of the 哈尼特县 Board of Commissioners 发表毕业典礼致辞.


多萝西·库姆斯·亨特, 桑福德的, 从丈夫那里得到一个祝贺之吻, 约瑟夫, 在收到 ... (更多)


SANFORD — Cheers, applause 和 jubilation filled the Dennis A. 柳条文娱中心 Friday morning as 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院’s graduating class of summer 2008 received their degrees, 文凭和/或证书.

在夏季学期, 查塔姆学院的学生, 哈奈特和李, 和其他国家一样, 完成学业. Eighty-nine earned associate degrees; 102, diplomas; 和 84, certificates. About 150 took part in the graduation exercises 和 about 1,000 family members 和 friends were on h和 to celebrate their achievements.

泰迪·伯德, chairman of the 哈尼特县 Board of Commissioners 和 a 哈尼特县 businessman, 发表毕业典礼致辞.

“Be the best you can be,” he told the graduating class. “这就是这个国家的伟大之处. Think of the positive force created when all of us are striving to be our best. 我知道你可以改变世界. 愿上帝保佑你们和你们的家人.”

伯德是美国陆军上校.S. 陆军预备役, 后勤队, has served in both the active duty 和 reserve military over a period of 27 years. He was awarded the Bronze Star for his service in Iraq in 2003-2004.

He spoke of “the wonderful men 和 women serving in the armed forces today,并询问了现役军人, 或者谁曾为, 站. About 40 stood 和 the audience loudly applauded them.

Byrd spoke to the graduating class of several principles that guide his life, including: never make a deal unless it is good for both parties, 按照黄金法则生活, 和, 引用圣经, don’t lose their souls in trying to gain the world.

Graduating student Emily Turner-Bolch, of Durham, gave the student response. She received an Associate in Applied Science in Veterinary Medical Technology — carrying a straight “A” (4.她的学业成绩平均. 4月, she received the North Carolina 社区 大学 System’s Academic Excellence Award, one of only 116 students in the system to be so honored.

“Today represents the culmination of our hard work 和 the achievement of our dreams,她对同学们说. “I hope you spend each 和 every day doing something you are passionate about.”

在练习中, students who earned the highest grade point average in their division were recognized; most earned straight A’s: Associate in 艺术 — Paul Forrest Glass-Steel; Associate in Science — Teresa Storm; Associate in Applied Science — Megan Rutledge Bunting, 伊娃令人鼓舞, 温迪浣熊, 嘉莉杜邦, 史黛西哈维, 詹妮弗McGuigan, 贝琪Rappleye, 和 Emily Turner-Bolch; 和 Diploma — Perry Thompson.

获奖之后, the graduating students proudly crossed the stage, 一个接一个地拿到来之不易的学位, 鲍比·鲍威尔的文凭和证书, 学院董事会主席.

毕业后, 安德里亚的关键, 卡梅隆的, 都像她丈夫一样微笑吗, 加里·凯利三世, 谁在美国服役.S. Army, 和 other family surrounded her with hugs 和 flowers. Keily received her AAS in Medical Office Administration.

“我很兴奋,”她说. “I have two little girls 和 I’m hoping that they feel that because mommy did it, they can do it too.”

Gerzain Santana, 桑福德的, received his Associate in 艺术-University Transfer.

“感觉很棒,”他笑着说. “Now I’m going to UNC-Charlotte 和 study international business.”

“Great” was also Sanford resident 多萝西·库姆斯·亨特’s word for achieving her Associate in Applied Science in Business Administration.

“My job moved as part of NAFTA 和 I was laid off in 2003,” she said. “This is a milestone, but I’m not finished yet — I’m going to continue 和 get my bachelor’s!”