大学 正规买球app十佳排行

Central Carolina high school programs celebrate graduation

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Click to enlarge,  中央卡罗莱纳社区学院继续教育高中毕业项目的学生在1月9日的毕业典礼上被授予高中文凭或GED证书,家人和朋友欢呼雀跃. 29 in the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center. After the program, Angela Albright (left), of Chatham County, who received her GED, hugs instructor Sharon Pyrtle, thanking her for her help in achieving this milestone. 奥尔布赖特是毕业典礼上的演讲者之一,现在已被该学院录取’s veterinary medical technology program. 在秋季学期,超过60名成年人获得了高中文凭,超过200人获得了普通教育文凭.

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家人和朋友为继续教育高中项目的学生们欢呼 ... (更多)

Click to enlarge,  中央卡罗莱纳社区学院继续教育高中毕业项目的学生在1月11日举行的毕业典礼上获得高中文凭或GED证书,家人和朋友欢呼雀跃. 29 in the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center. Several scholarships were also presented. 来自哈内特县的Amber Brewington(右)接受了来自美国医学博士的祝贺. Lisa Chapman, the college&在获得推荐正规买球平台基金会奖学金后,担任教学副总裁. 在秋季学期,超过60名成年人获得了高中文凭,超过200人获得了普通教育文凭.

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家人和朋友为继续教育高中项目的学生们欢呼 ... (更多)

Click to enlarge,  Graduation was a family affair for the Castillos, of Chatham County, as Vicky (second row, 左)在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的毕业典礼上获得了普通教育文凭’s Continuing Education high school completion programs. The commencement exercises Jan. 29 in the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center. 在秋季学期,超过60名成年人获得了高中文凭,超过200人获得了普通教育文凭. 卡斯蒂略家族的其他成员是(不按顺序排列)斯蒂芬妮,克里斯,珍妮丝,玛雷特和洛洛.

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Graduation was a family affair for the Castillos, of Chatham County, as Vicky (second row, left) received ... (更多)

Click to enlarge,  中央卡罗莱纳社区学院继续教育高中毕业项目的学生在1月9日的毕业典礼上获得了高中文凭或GED证书,家人和朋友为他们欢呼. 29 in the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center. Among them was Melanie Crawford (right), of Harnett County, who received her diploma from Bobby Powell, chairman of the college’s board of trustees. 在秋季学期,超过60名成年人获得了高中文凭,超过200人获得了普通教育文凭.

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家人和朋友为继续教育高中项目的学生们欢呼 ... (更多)

Click to enlarge,  Kristen Hall (center), of Lee County, 在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院继续教育高中结业项目的毕业典礼上,大家都在微笑吗. The exercises, held Jan. 29 in the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center, attracted more than 1,000名家人和朋友为获得高中文凭或普通教育文凭的学生欢呼. Hall received her high school diploma. 与霍尔一起庆祝的是她的父亲埃迪(右)和朋友芭芭拉·梅森.

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Kristen Hall (center), of Lee County, was all smiles following commencement exercises for the Continuing ... (更多)

Click to enlarge,  Angel Amador Soto, of Harnett County, a graduating student, 在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院继续教育高中毕业典礼上发表演讲. The exercises took place Jan. 29 in the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center. More than 60 adults earned high school diplomas and more than 200, including Soto, GED certificates during the fall semester.

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Angel Amador Soto, of Harnett County, a graduating student, delivers one of the addresses at the commencement ... (更多)

点击放大,李县的Sim Spears在接受W奖时面带微笑.B. Wicker Scholarship from Dr. Lisa Chapman, Central Carolina Community 大学’s vice president of Instruction. 演讲是在学院的毕业典礼上进行的’s Continuing Education high school completion programs. During the exercises, held Jan. 29 in the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center, 秋季学期的毕业生被授予高中毕业证书或GED证书. More than 60 adults, including Spears, earned diplomas and more than 200, GEDs during the fall semester.

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Sim Spears, of Lee County, is all smiles as he accepts the W.B. Wicker Scholarship from Dr. Lisa Chapman, ... (更多)

Click to enlarge,  Glenda Goldsby (right), an Adult High School instructor at Central Carolina Community 大学’s Jonesboro Center, gets a thank-you bear hug from graduating student John Taylor, of Chatham County, at the college’s high school completion programs commencement exercises Jan. 29 in the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center. 泰勒是今年秋季学期在该学院获得高中文凭的60多名成年人之一. 200多名学生获得通识教育发展证书.

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格伦达·戈尔兹比(右),中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的成人高中教师 ... (更多)

Click to enlarge,  Toney Thompson, of Lee County, 在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的毕业练习中获得了通识教育发展证书’s Continuing Education high school completion programs. Thompson was on of three student speakers at the event, held Jan. 29 in the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center. 在秋季学期,超过60名成年人获得了高中文凭,超过200人获得了普通教育文凭.

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Toney Thompson, of Lee County, 毕业时获得了通识教育发展证书 ... (更多)



More than 1,000 family members and friends gathered at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center Jan. 庆祝他们在学院的继续教育高中毕业项目中取得的成就.

在秋季学期,62名学生获得了高中文凭,220名学生获得了通识教育发展证书. Approximately 100 took part in the commencement exercises.

“Be proud,” graduation speaker Angela Albright told her classmates. “We’ve proven that we can make our dreams reality.”

奥尔布赖特是三位演讲者之一,他们分别来自推荐正规买球平台的每个县. Each told their stories and thanked their families, 感谢朋友和老师的支持,使他们能够实现长期以来的目标.

Albright, of Chatham County, spoke of her long battle with alcoholism. She finally found help through Alcoholics Anonymous. As she stabilized her life, she decided to go back to school for her GED, 这是她一直未能实现的目标,直到她参加了该校在银城的GED课程.

“我改变了我的生活,放弃了一些坏习惯来追求我的教育,”她说. “To achieve this feels like freedom. This is my opportunity to make my dreams reality. 我一直想和动物打交道,现在我开始了学院的兽医技术项目.”

Angel Soto, of Harnett County, also spoke. He said that he made many mistakes as a teenager, but that not getting an education was the worst of all.

他说:“非常感谢中交给我这个成功的机会。. “I’m a minority, 但我明白,只要你坚持不懈,就会有机会, you will achieve.”


Toney Thompson, of Lee County, the third graduation speaker, 我敦促在座的任何没有高中毕业的人抓住这个机会. 她感谢GED教练艾琳·哈林顿给予她的爱和鼓励,使她能够实现自己的目标.

“It feels wonderful,” she said. “Now, I’m in the medical assisting program at the college.”

Three members of the graduating class received 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation scholarships: Albright; Amber Brewington, of Harnett County; and Christopher Castle, of Lee County. Sim Montae Spears, of Lee County, was awarded the W. B. Wicker Scholarship. 每位毕业生都收到一张代金券,可兑换学院的一门三学分课程, 鼓励他们继续追求自己的教育梦想.

Bobby Powell, chairman of the college’s board of trustees, and college President Bud Marchant presented the diplomas. As each graduating student walked across the stage, 干杯, 吹口哨, and applause erupted from the enthusiastic crowd. Cameras flashed, capturing the life-changing event.

“你们面前有非常非常好的机会,”马尚特对新毕业生说. “I encourage you to take advantage of them.”

然后,毕业生们自豪地走出了中心的大型展览厅, 进入他们所爱的人幸福的拥抱,进入一个比他们所知道的任何未来都更加光明的未来.