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Free tuition for selected workforce training programs at 推荐正规买球平台

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08.03.2021College & CommunityCollege GeneralFinances

SANFORD - How would you like free tuition to pursue training in high-demand workforce training programs leading to a state or industry-recognized credential?

It's possible at Central Carolina Community College thanks to the Governor's Emergency Education Relief Scholarship.

Available career pathways and certifications include BioWork, CDL Truck Driver Training, Certified Production Technician, Emergency Medical Services (EMT & EMS), Human Services DSS Income Maintenance Caseworker Phase II, Medical Coding & Billing, Nursing Assistant I and II, Pharmacy Technician, and Phlebotomy. Many of these options offer students the opportunity to earn credit for prior learning toward future degree pathways.

Visit for more information or to complete the online scholarship application.

For more information, call (919) 545-8663 or (919) 545-8051 ... or email to