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推荐正规买球平台, Pfizer partner for apprenticeship program

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Click to enlarge,  亨特·考克斯是通过中央卡罗莱纳社区学院参加辉瑞学徒计划的三个人之一.

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亨特·考克斯是辉瑞公司学徒计划的三个参与者之一 ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  马文·刘易斯是通过中央卡罗莱纳社区学院参加辉瑞学徒计划的三个人之一.

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马文·刘易斯(Marvin Lewis)是参与辉瑞公司学徒计划的三个人之一 ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  布兰登·杨是通过中央卡罗莱纳社区学院参加辉瑞学徒计划的三个人之一.

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布兰登·杨(Brandon Yang)是辉瑞公司学徒计划的三个参与者之一 ... (more)

04.19.2021College & CommunityCollege GeneralStudents/Graduates

SANFORD - Pfizer is Central Carolina Community College's newest apprenticeship partner.

辉瑞在2020年专门为维修学徒设立了三个职位,这些新员工在1月份开始工作和上课. Two of the apprentices were already 推荐正规买球平台 students.

One of the apprentices is U.S. Army veteran Brandon Yang, of Sanford. "I've always wanted to learn how to fix things. While I was deployed overseas, 我有机会帮助我们的机械师更换我们的加油车的发动机,当我们在更换后打开卡车时,卡车轰鸣着,我感到很有成就感,这激发了我学习更多东西是如何工作的欲望,以及如何修理它们," said Yang.

Hunter Cox, of Sanford, 他说,他之所以决定参加学徒培训,是因为他一直在寻找辉瑞公司的实习机会,因为他听说过辉瑞公司的很多优点. "The apprenticeship is a great thing. It has given me a great job while also letting me have time for school," said Cox.

The other apprentice is Marvin Lewis, of Spring Lake, 他参加了推荐正规买球平台工业系统项目当他发现这个项目的时候.com. "This apprenticeship program is a real dream," said Lewis. "First and foremost, I am looking forward to learning in the pharmaceutical environment."

这些学生将在推荐正规买球平台学习工业系统学位课程和劳动力继续教育的专业课程,作为他们在辉瑞全职工作的一部分. 一旦他们完成了辉瑞的在职培训和推荐正规买球平台的相关指导, which will take place over several years, 他们将完成注册学徒计划,并获得维修领域的熟练工证书, earned a 推荐正规买球平台 certificate, diploma, or degree, and advanced in their careers with Pfizer.

Craig Hardy, Pfizer Logistics Maintenance Manager, Site Hard Services Manager, anticipates benefits from the apprenticeship program. "We anticipate achieving a higher employee retention rate, achieving a more diverse workforce, and a capable and skilled workforce that will replenish retiring colleagues. The apprentices learn specific trades and skills that will benefit the needs of our site," said Hardy.

"We only started in January 2021, however, 它已经开始很好,我们非常鼓励和高兴的人才,我们的学徒," said Hardy. “学徒们在导师的指导下在各自的领域工作,并按照劳工部的要求跟踪他们的工作时间, and they are enrolled in classes at 推荐正规买球平台 that meet the program requirements."

杨说,他喜欢和在这个领域有经验的人一起工作,听他们讲述自己是如何取得成就的. "It inspires me to be better and gives me hope that one day I can have a fulfilling career," said Yang.

“我很喜欢学习维修的各个方面,同时也遇到了很多愿意帮助我的人," said Cox.

Lewis said he enjoys working at Pfizer. "There is an awesome culture here where people work together. And it is not just for show. They actually want to see the company and everyone else do well here," said Lewis.

推荐正规买球平台, Pfizer relationship

Margaret Roberton, 推荐正规买球平台 Vice President for Workforce Development, says 推荐正规买球平台 and Pfizer have a long relationship built on trust and collaboration. “该学院一直是辉瑞通过定制培训成功培养人才的合作伙伴, program development, student recruitment and now registered apprentices," she said. "Pfizer has provided the college the benefit of their insight, resources, and leadership as we have worked together to support the community."

Hardy, who says he has been with Pfizer Sanford for almost 19 years, noted that in his time here, "推荐正规买球平台 has been a great partner in the learning needs of our company. They have provided classes on BioWork and Train the Trainer program that Pfizer has used. I would say that in our maintenance department, 在过去的五年中,大约有50%的人是推荐正规买球平台工业维修专业的毕业生. 他们目前正在努力确保新学徒计划所需的所有课程都是通过推荐正规买球平台教授或管理的."

Apprenticeships through 推荐正规买球平台

注册学徒制是一种协作的劳动力响应,既支持学生,也支持学生, 为个人提供“挣得和学习”的绝佳机会,为企业提供发展人才管道的机会, according to Roberton. “这些经验是由公司独特定义的,以满足特定的需求和角色,同时为学生提供一个培养高需求技能的结构.

推荐正规买球平台的定位是支持企业寻求调查注册学徒制的好处,以及那些积极参与提供这些经验的企业," said Roberton. “学院可以提供相关的指导,这是学徒制的核心业务,并正在开发资源,以支持更多的企业成功进入学徒制安排."

罗伯顿指出,承认注册学徒制对培养高质量人才管道的价值, 中国中交正在投入资源,以更好地支持寻求探索学徒计划可能性的企业. "Christina Piard, Director of Corporate Engagement, 正在与“学徒制nc”和同行学院合作,研究学院提供额外资源的方式,包括学院赞助和学徒队列的发展," said Roberton. “我们期待为社会上的个人和企业提供更多机会,让他们利用注册学徒制度。."

Hardy is a proponent of the apprenticeship program. "I feel that any business that wants to see benefits in their workforce, either current staff or potential staff for years to come, should consider the apprenticeship program. 这是一个培养现有人才或引进新人才的好方法,可以为公司提供多年的正回报," he said.

有兴趣通过中央卡罗莱纳社区学院讨论学徒机会的公司可以联系克里斯蒂娜·皮亚德, 推荐正规买球平台 Director of Corporate Outreach, at or by phone at 919-718-7076.

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