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Coty-推荐正规买球平台 partner for major training program


桑福德——中央卡罗莱纳社区学院为科蒂公司开展的一项主要劳动力培训项目.’s Sanford plant is a go.

The college’s Industry Services office recently received $174,从北卡罗来纳州社区学院系统的定制培训计划中获得资金. 它将支持百老汇路工厂至少600名员工的劳动力培训.

Katy Caselli, 他是科蒂在桑福德工厂的人力资源学习和发展经理, and Cathy Swindell, 推荐正规买球平台 Industry Services officer, worked together to develop the funding request. Coty employees will be trained in areas such as computer skills, project management, maintenance training, technical writing, basic workforce skills, middle management, and leadership development.

“One of the most important factors for a business or industry to locate, 在北卡罗来纳保持或扩张的关键在于训练有素的劳动力,” said Swindell. “定制培训计划可以快速响应企业及其员工的需求.”

As a result of the new partnership between the college and Coty, college leaders toured the local plant, met with Coty directors and managers, 并听取了他们对公司的计划,以及这将如何使当地劳动力和地区受益.

Coty, established in France in 1904, is the premier fragrance company in the world, selling in 80 global markets. It manufactures and markets fragrances, cosmetics and personal care products for numerous well-known brands, including Calvin Klein, Adidas, Vera Wang, Esprit, Nautica, and others.

The million-square-foot Sanford plant employs 800 permanent workers. 它是全球科蒂公司唯一的全球分销站点,也是唯一一个同时支持公司高端和标准产品部门的站点. 桑福德工厂对北卡罗来纳州经济的净积极影响超过1.8亿美元.

In 2009, Coty’s Sanford plant established company improvement objectives. The plan to achieve those objectives by 2013 is called “40-50-60GameOn.” 

“GameOn is a cultural journey, a pursuit of excellence for our plant,” said Coty Vice President Brian O’Neil, Sanford general manager. “A huge part of that is the education of our people. 在中央卡罗来纳社区学院和凯西·斯温德尔的帮助下,我们将继续前进.”

斯温德尔将科蒂的定制培训计划描述为一个为期两年的项目,可能会持续三年. Training will be provided for operators, production workers, frontline and team leaders, mechanics, maintenance technicians, and warehouse and shipping/receiving technicians.

“This is no cookie-cutter approach to workforce training,” she said. “This is truly customized training for the workers at Coty’s Sanford plant, provided primarily on-site.” 

The Customized Training Program is a proposal-based, state-funded project that will pay for instruction, materials, and certifications of the employees at no cost to Coty. 斯温德尔向科蒂董事和经理描述了纳入培训项目的一些特点:
To support the Customized Training effort and other workforce training, 科蒂将在工厂创建一个模拟的工作环境和教室空间. Overall capital investment by the company for new equipment, GameOn的设备升级和支持系统预计将花费超过2000万美元.

“Coty really, 非常感谢这次与中央卡罗莱纳社区学院合作定制培训项目的绝佳机会,” O’Neil said. “This will be huge for our workers and our community.”

Coty-推荐正规买球平台 partner for major training program

Joe Lascala (right), director of Logistics at Coty Inc.’s Sanford plant, 介绍了该公司为来自中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的访客提供的产品分销系统. The college’s Industry Services office recently received $174,046美元的资金来自北卡罗来纳社区学院系统的定制培训计划,用于百老汇路工厂的劳动力培训. 图为(左起)身穿公司规定的白色“干净”夹克参加11月11日的比赛. 8 tour of the million-square-foot plant are Diane Glover, executive director of the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation; Stelfanie Williams, vice president for the college’s Economic and Community Development Division; Phyllis Huff, dean of Adult and Continuing Education; college President Bud Marchant; Cathy Swindell, 推荐正规买球平台 Industry Services officer; and Katy Caselli, Coty’s Human Resources Learning and Development manager at the plant. 学院职业技术项目主任斯蒂芬·阿森斯也参加了参观.

Coty-推荐正规买球平台 partner for major training program

Tim Hughes (left), director of Ops and Strategy Improvement at Coty Inc.’s Sanford plant, 11月9日,在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的一次活动中,向参观者解释了公司的计划-执行-检查工作板. 8 tour of the plant. The college’s Industry Services office recently received $174,046美元的资金来自北卡罗来纳社区学院系统的定制培训计划,用于百老汇路工厂的劳动力培训. 图为(左二起)凯蒂·卡塞利穿着公司要求的白色“干净”外套参观占地100万平方英尺的工厂, Coty’s Human Resources Learning and Development manager at the plant; college President Bud Marchant; Phyllis Huff, dean of Adult and Continuing Education; Diane Glover, executive director of the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation; and Cathy Swindell, 推荐正规买球平台 Industry Services officer. Also on the tour were Stelfanie Williams, 学院经济和社区发展部副院长斯蒂芬·阿森斯, dean of the college’s Vocational and Technical Programs.

Coty-推荐正规买球平台 partner for major training program

Katy Caselli (left), Coty Inc.他是该公司桑福德工厂的人力资源学习和发展经理, and Cathy Swindell,  Central Carolina Community College Industry Services officer, 在百老汇路工厂的一张海报前停下来,海报上写着公司和大学合作的定制培训项目的内容. 这是该学院游客参观这座占地100万平方英尺的工厂的一部分. The Industry Services office recently received $174,046美元的资金来自北卡罗来纳州社区学院系统的定制培训计划,用于工厂的劳动力培训.

Coty-推荐正规买球平台 partner for major training program

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的工业服务办公室最近收到了174美元,北卡罗来纳州社区学院系统为科蒂公司的劳动力培训定制培训计划提供了046美元的资金.’s Sanford plant. 11月11日,一群学院的管理人员和董事参观了这座占地100万平方英尺的工厂. 更多地了解该公司及其对社区的经济重要性. Pictured (from left) are college President Bud Marchant; Stephen Athans, dean of the college’s Vocational and Technical Programs; Katy Caselli, Coty’s Human Resources Learning and Development manager at the plant; Cathy Swindell, 推荐正规买球平台 Industry Services officer; Diane Glover, executive director of the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation; Phyllis Huff, dean of Adult and Continuing Education; and Stelfanie Williams, vice president for the college’s Economic and Community Development Division.

Coty-推荐正规买球平台 partner for major training program

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的工业服务办公室最近收到了174美元,北卡罗来纳州社区学院系统为科蒂公司的劳动力培训定制培训计划提供了046美元的资金.’s Sanford plant. 11月11日,一群学院的管理人员和董事参观了这座占地100万平方英尺的工厂. 更多地了解该公司及其对社区的经济重要性. Prior to the tour, 学院小组和公司领导在科蒂·桑福德的董事会会议室会面,对公司进行了概述, in part, by Katy Caselli (back, center left), Coty’s Human Resources Learning and Development manager at the plant.