College News

SGA Harnett Activity Day full of fun

10.14.2010College GeneralSGASpecial EventsStudents/Graduates

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SGA Harnett Activity Day full of fun

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Central Carolina Community College student Alfred Nash (left), of Harnett County, enjoys a quick trip down a giant inflated slide, but his wife and fellow student, Renee Nash, has some doubts. Both participated in the Student Government Association�s Activity Day Oct. 5 at the college�s Harnett County Campus. The SGA holds an Activity Day at the college�s Chatham, Harnett and Lee campuses each fall and spring to give the students an opportunity to relax, enjoy themselves, meet other students in a casual setting, and discover that fun is a part of the community college experience.

SGA Harnett Activity Day full of fun

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Central Carolina Community College Medical Assisting instructor Anne Davis-Johnson shows off the Cougar Pride face painting she got at the Oct. 5 Student Government Association�s Harnett County Campus Activity Day. The SGA holds an Activity Day at the college�s Chatham, Harnett and Lee campuses each fall and spring to give the students an opportunity to relax, enjoy themselves, meet other students and faculty in a casual setting, and discover that fun is part of the community college experience.

SGA Harnett Activity Day full of fun

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Central Carolina Community College�s Student Government officers for Harnett County took a break from the Oct. 5 Activity Day fun at the college�s Harnett County Campus to have their picture taken. Shown (from left) are Karla Upchurch, secretary; Donna West, vice president; Mike Neal, SGA advisor; Megan Johnson, treasurer; and Dana Stone, SGA representative and student ambassador. The SGA holds an Activity Day at the college�s Chatham, Harnett and Lee campuses each fall and spring to give the students an opportunity to relax, enjoy themselves, meet other students and faculty in a casual setting, and discover that fun is part of the community college experience.

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