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推荐正规买球平台 Phi Beta Lambda wins at state conference

12.14.2009ClubsCollege GeneralStudents/Graduates

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推荐正规买球平台 Phi Beta Lambda wins at state conference

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Central Carolina Community College�s Phi Beta Lambda Chapter brought home the Gold Seal Chapter Award from the North Carolina Phi Beta Lambda Fall Leadership Development Conference held Oct. 23-24 in Greensboro. The award recognizes outstanding local chapters of the business career student organization. The 推荐正规买球平台 Chapter also won first place in two categories: Largest Chapter Membership in the State, and Largest Chapter Membership in the Central Region. It took third place for Largest Chapter Membership Attending FLDC. At the conference, members attended business and leadership seminars. Chapter advisor Johnny Shull, 推荐正规买球平台 lead business technologies instructor, presented a seminar, �State of the Economy.� Chapter members attending were (front row, from left)) Tanya Haislip, Shirley Rijkse, Alex Benitez, advisor Johnny Shull, and Donna Flowers; and (back row, from left) Clayton Watts, Rachel Martin, Kevin Hutchinson, Barbara Dellinger, and Jessica Krieger. All are from Lee and Harnett counties.

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