Central Carolina Community College Logo
Chatham County Schools Logo Harnett County School Logos Lee County School Logo

CCWorks Contributors:


  • BB&T
  • Boon Edam
  • Carolina Meadows
  • Caterpillar
  • Central Carolina Hospital
  • Chatham County
  • Chatham County Farm Bureau
  • Community Properties
  • Coty
  • First Bank
  • Golden LEAF Foundation
  • Harnett County
  • Harnett Farm Bureau
  • Lee County
  • Lee Moore Capital Company
  • Montgomery Development Carolina Corp.
  • Newland Communities
  • Preston Development
  • Sanford Contractors
  • The Duke Energy Foundation


  • Wade Barber
  • Patrick Barnes
  • John and Susie Dixon
  • Chris Ehrenfeld
  • Douglas Frey
  • Sam Gaskins
  • Joy Gilmour
  • Joe Glasson
  • Peggy Golden
  • Welford and Pat Harris
  • Charles and Jan Hayes
  • Jeff Hockaday
  • Barber Holmes
  • Chet Mann
  • Dr. Bud Marchant
  • George Perkins
  • Julian Philpott
  • Brad Salmon
  • Brad Simpson
  • Steve Stroud
  • Lynda Turbeville
  • Sam Wornom

The Opportunity:

High School Dual Enrollment

  • Dual enrollment allows students to earn college credit from courses that count simultaneously toward their high school diploma.
  • Recent research shows that students are nearly twice as likely to enroll in and complete a college credential if they complete any dual enrollment coursework while still in high school.
  • In North Carolina, high school juniors and seniors can earn a year or more of college credit free of charge through the state-sponsored North Carolina Career and College Promise program.

The Challenge:

Increased Awareness and Participation

  • In Chatham, Harnett, and Lee counties, only 5% of eligible high school students currently take advantage of cost-free dual enrollment coursework.
  • By making students and families more aware of dual enrollment courses and the college and career opportunities that they create, we can increase participation rates and serve thousands more students each year.

The Model:

Individualized Advising in Schools

  • Career and College Advisors, placed in each county high school, will work with students, parents, faculty, and administrators to encourage participation in dual enrollment coursework - most of it offered directly on students' high school campuses.
  • Advisors will also give students individualized guidance regarding the full range of two- and four-year degrees that they may pursue with their earned college credits.

The Benefits:

Brighter Futures, Stronger Economies

  • Students who pursue 4-year university degrees will do so with a year or more of coursework completed tuition- and debt-free.
  • Students pursuing technical and vocational coursework can graduate high school with certificates and diplomas that lead directly into stable employment in our area workforce.

The Partners:

A Community Effort

This project enjoys endorsement and ongoing support from the following public and private organizations:

  • The Golden LEAF Foundation

Chatham County:

  • Chatham County Schools
  • Chatham Chamber of Commerce
  • Chatham Economic Development Corporation

Harnett County:

  • Harnett County Schools
  • Lillington Chamber of Commerce

Lee County:

  • Lee County Schools
  • Lee County Economic Development Corporation
  • Sanford Area Chamber of Commerce

Please consider joining in this powerful community collaboration.

The Need:

Investment Now for a Sustainable Future

Dual enrollment coursework is free of charge for students, but it generates additional revenue for Central Carolina Community College. For that reason, this initiative will become self-sustaining after a two-year start-up period.

Career and College Advisors would begin their work at the start of the 2014 - 2015 school year in all nine high schools of Chatham, Harnett, and Lee counties. In order to make this possible, the College and its partners must meet a fundraising target of $750,000 by March of 2014.

Your contribution will be allocated 100% to project costs: salaries and benefits for full-time advisors; scholarships to cover any costs of transportation, books, and materials for students; and development of new courses.

Central Carolina
Works Committee:

  • Kirk J. Bradley, Chairman
  • Andy Bryan
  • Lisa Chapman
  • Tom Frye
  • Joe Glasson
  • Jan Hayes
  • Ron Hewett
  • Derrick Jordan
  • Bob Joyce
  • Jamie Kelly
  • Robert Logan
  • Chet Mann
  • T. Eston Marchant
  • Clem Medley
  • Donnie Oldham
  • Dianne Reid
  • Angie Stewart
  • Dennis Wicker

The Newsletter:

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To learn more about Central Carolina Works, contact Dr. Sara Newcomb at (919) 718-7370 snewcomb@sh-fyz.com.

If you would like to make a contribution, please contact Emily Hare, Director of the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation at (919) 718-7230 ehare@sh-fyz.com.

All donations will be managed by the Central Carolina Community College Foundation, an independent non-profit organization whose staff and board work to steward funds in support of College operations and programming. Donations accepted by the Foundation in support of Central Carolina Works will be dedicated exclusively toward direct program costs, such as Career and College Advisors' salaries and benefits and students' books and materials.

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